Thursday, March 17, 2011

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and moving on.... yea me :D

This  morning I completed my 3 week training to jog for 30 minutes!! It was an e-course I highly recommend to anyone wanting to become more active.  (here i am givng advice now)  This program is what got me moving every morning.  I really looked forward to waking up and opening up my laptop to find an email  telling me what I was to run for the day.  Today I completed the 3 week training with 5/1 x5  run 5 walk 1   5 times.    I started with 1/1 x10.....

Tommorrow I start the actual 5K training program e course they offer through the same site.

I was given an idea yesterday when I looked up the dates of the LILAC FESTIVAL in Rochester that we go to every year.  They are having a 5K  on May 22 the last day of the festival.  I am seriously considering registering to be a part of the Lilac Fest. in a new way  ( I have been going for 15 years) and as an inbetween goal to the Summer Fest 5K  (august)which seems sooo far away.  Am I crazy?? Can I do it?  I have 8 weeks to get ready. 
I mapped out 3 miles  today on the way home from dropping the girls at school  Wow!  (NOT winning ~  that is along distance to be jogging along) That would truly be amazing if I could pull that off in 8 weeks.  I have to say it was daughting but I am thinking about it!! 


  1. Awesome Patty!! I knew you would be successful and stick to it!! Way to go girl. Keep those feet moving and shopping for new workout clothes should be an excellent motivator!!

  2. way to go mommy I new you could do it keep on going and I know you can reach your goul

    love marissa

  3. way to go mom! I know you can do it!! I will be there cheering you on or passing out water... I cant wait! I am so proud of you, your dedacation is incredible- I hear you on the treadmill early on the morning! You are doing an amazing job! I will help you if you ever need it! :) I love you, :)
