Friday, March 25, 2011

MAY 22 8am

that is the date of the first 5K I will be running in!   I am officially registered for  the 5K at the Lilac Festival in Rochester.  I am  excited and it was a leap of faith .  I still have 7 weeks of training left.  I start week two tomorrow.  I was telling my good friend  today that I had to run  my farthest yet ; 6 minutes straight this week.  When I looked down at the timer on the treadmill ;5 min and 43 seconds had past before I checked the time ,  I could not believe it!  The time passed with no problem, no difficulty breathing, nothing. I felt great and I was so proud and happy .  You have to realize I could hardly even make it around a short block.  Sure I walked, did the occasional sit-up but what I am doing for a non-athletic person who has trouble sticking to exercise  , I am thrilled with my progress so far.  Perhaps, I am in the honey moon stage and I do still doubt how long I will continue to pull this off.  But, for now I am very motivated.  My goal for doing this from the beginning has been to complete a 5K.  I am realizing the other benefit is that I can lose a little weight so I am going to change up my diet a bit.  I feel I eat healthy but the quantity still matters .  So, along with the running, a little cross training , walking and controlling my portions I hope to achieve my goals.  I have to be careful not to go into deprivation mode which is a problem for me.  I deprive myself so much that I set myself up for failure.   I easily can become obsessed with food , what I eat or don't eat to the point it is all I think about. I obsess and micromanage it to death. Trying to get healthy and having a fitness goal has really made me look at my food issues too.  I hope to accomplish a balance it that arena also!  Thank you for asking when you see me or just reading and supporting this blog. The emails are great too.  I  appreciate it!

Lilac Festival here I come... with my sneakers this time!


  1. Wow, I am really proud of you!! I can relate to your food issues and that's a huge step doing both the training and the eating healthy. You have even motivated me to get back to my 4:15 am wake up call on the treadmill. I have been hot and cold for the last several months but the past two weeks for me have been great too, so thanks!! Keep it up girl, I know you can do it!!

  2. You can do anything you set your mind to.
